

The number of international students in Sweden is incomparably large. International students make up 30%, which is quite a remarkable indicator. This figure is not surprising, because here, in addition to quality education, there are quite affordable prices for students. Sweden is one of the best choices to continue your education.

Sweden is the best place to study. Here you will find many highly qualified schools and universities. It makes its educational methods special in Sweden. There is no racial discrimination here, there are equal conditions for all social classes, which makes studying here even more demanding. In Sweden, the student-teacher relationship is different. In Sweden, unlike in other countries, a more friendly and warm relationship is established between a teacher and a student. Due to these two features, what is used in Sweden is much more convenient from a psychological point of view. There are more than 50 higher education institutions here. You can only apply to a university after receiving your basic education. The first period of study is considered to be a bachelor’s degree, it lasts 3 years, the master’s degree lasts 1-2 years, and the postgraduate education lasts 1-2 years, depending on the profession. According to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2019-2020, the top 12 Swedish universities are presented, 5 of which are in the top 200 in the world. The top 5 universities are Karolinska institute, Lund University, Uppsala University, Stockholm University, and the University of Gothenburg.

Sweden has had many declines in its history, but due to overcoming those declines, it was able to create today’s powerful, developed country. Sweden became a major exporter of capital. During World War II, Sweden declared neutrality but often violated it in favor of Germany and Finland. After the end of the war, Sweden strengthened its economy and industry and thus preserving the old and still building an even more glorious history.

Sweden is famous for its beautiful nature, ancient history, and unique monuments. One of the amazing places is Stockholm, which is considered one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Here you will be able to admire medieval buildings. Gothenburg is famous for its picturesque landscapes and cultural sites. The largest temple structure in Sweden is the Uppsala Cathedral. Every step here is full of sights and historical structures.

Sweden has left its cultural mark in literature, art, architecture, and music. The oldest lithograph preserved in the literature is the runic lithograph. Schematic petroglyphs were first created in Sweden and left their mark on architecture.

The number of international students in Sweden is increasing year by year. This fact is not surprising because in Sweden the educational methods are constantly improving. It is relatively more affordable to study here. In Sweden, financial support is provided to anyone who wants to study. “Most importantly, in Sweden, there is equality between all races.” The best living conditions are provided here. Educational methods are constantly updated, the best conditions for students are developed.